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Monday, January 17, 2011

Aaron Sorkin At Golden Globes: “Elite Is Not A Bad Word, It’s An Aspirational One”

 by Matt Schneider | 9:08 am, January 17th, 2011

Last night’s Golden Globes telecast was largely devoid of politics and instead the target seemed to be Hollywood itself, thanks to the tone set by a fearless, go-for-broke hosting job by Ricky Gervais. However, Aaron Sorkin, screenwriter of The Social Network and The American President and creator of television’s The West Wing, did manage to slip in a veiled political reference.
In his acceptance speech for Best Screenplay, Sorkin thanked Scott Rudin and David Fincher, producer and director, respectively, of the “Facebook movie” and even complimented Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, despite suggestions in the past that Zuckerberg was not pleased with the film. Then out of nowhere Sorkin offered up this piece of wisdom:
“And I want to thank all the female nominees tonight for helping demonstrate to my young daughter that elite is not a bad word, it’s an aspirational one. Honey, look around, smart girls have more fun, and you’re one of them.”

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